Monday, August 31, 2015

Why is Antisemitism so prevalent in Arab countries?

This is a common question asked in the Western world, however this seems to stem from a fundamental misunderstanding on what antisemitism actually means.

There is no antisemitism in Arab countries since Arabs are Semites. If you don't believe me look up the definition of the word Semite, and you might be surprised.

am a Semite because I am of Arab decent. It would be ignorant of me to call a Jewish person "antisemitic" if he or she disagreed with Arab culture or the belief systems that most Arabs adhere to, or even to condemn a group of Arabs who have been involved in a criminal act.

The reason as to why the word Semite has been hijacked by Zionism in order to be associated solely to the Jewish people, is to constantly remind the world of the despicable treatment towards Jews inflicted in Europe in the early 1900's.
It is another fear campaign to scare people into avoiding being labelled with the same negative connotation attributed to the European movements against the Jewish people during that time. 

Today, it is an invented concept that is not relevant in Arab countries because their reasons to stand against Zionism are very different to the European movement against Jews. The truth is the word gets thrown around too easily and almost gets used in the same context as "racist" or "bigot", however most of the cases involve people being labelled "antisemitic" simply because they condemn the Israeli government for war-crimes, or the illegal settlement activities built on another person's home or farm. 

That argument is almost like saying "condemning Nazism is like being anti-Aryan", and that simply doesn't make sense

"Antisemitism" in the context of this question suggests a hatred for Jews at a discriminatory baseless level, yet the reason for condemnations against Zionism is quite evident and clear, and has nothing to do with being anti-Jewish.

As an example, if I lived in a small home with my whole family, and made a friendship with my neighbors, and then some little orphan girl comes into my home protected by big bodyguards, then she takes my whole house and pushes all my family into one small room, that gives me cause to try to take back my home regardless of how strong those body guards are, and regardless of how innocent that little orphan girl seems to the rest of the world.
It would be ignorant for someone to think that my neighbors and I hate all little orphan girls, without understanding the real reason as to why I am opposing her actions.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Why don't the Palestinian refugees get Syrian citizenship?

It is an interesting question to pose as some may question Syria's moral stance with accepting the current status of these refugees on their land for the last 70 years. But the problem itself lies not with the temporary status of refugees and where they currently live, but rather why they were refugees in the first place.

It would be the same as asking why the 1000's of Syrian Refugees today that have fled to Turkey because of the Syrian regime's brutality against civilians were not given Turkish citizenship.

The problem isn't to solve the refugee status by accepting a brutal regime's existence and have the open-handed neighboring nations take on the population into their own society.

The real problem is to root out these regimes that created the refugees in the first place, not to encourage them to remain in power so long as someone else takes care of their issues.

Similarly, the Palestinian refugee problem isn't something that needs to be solved by those who were willing to give them refuge from oppression, but those oppressive regimes that created the refugee problem in the first place.
In this case, it is Israel that needs to deal with putting those who they displaced back where they belong. If Israel thinks that it cannot support such a massive influx of people into their nation, then they should have thought of that before creating a state at their expense in the first place.

The land belongs to two peoples. If Zionism only really cares to cater for only one, then they are unfit to rule the land that is shared by both.