Saturday, February 5, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Karim Sabet, had this to say on his blog during the January 25th revolution in Egypt:
"A large group of the ones organizing them (the protests) yesterday were people in galabeyas and long beards shouting 'Al Jihad fe Sabeel Allah (Jihad in the name of Allah), you have to continue fighting...'

NO! This is NOT why we were in the streets on Friday being tear gassed and dodging rubber bullets and it is not why we have been going to Tahrir everyday to be heard. The reason why this revolt went through and became successful was because it was not religiously or politically charged. Don’t let the ones who have been watching this unfold in the shadows ride this wave and hijack what you have been fighting for."
He indirectly mentions that Ekhwan el Muslimeen (Muslim Brotherhood) have started to hijack the protests, and I couldn't help but reply to his comments.

The Muslim Brotherhood have been on the government's black-list for many years now trying to protest the very same way the rest of Egypt have been in the past week, and have done so long before January the 25th. They are looked at as "evil Islamists" because that is what the government has portrayed them to be, regarless of how moderate they actually are.

If the government had any significant authority during these protests, all pro-democracy demonstrators would be considered radical just like they were, and no doubt dealt with in the same way the Muslim Brotherhood were treated.

There is nothing wrong with an Islamic group fighting for the same cause of freedom. That is the whole point of unity, regardless of what they chant.

If there are Egyptians today that have resentment against Islamic organisations then they should keep it to themselves. The Egyptian people are one, united under the same banner and believing in the same cause. That is what should be taken at face value rather than concentrating on petty little differences by trying to vent disapproval of people crying for freedom in the name of their own Lord.

We shouldn't forget what we are doing here, and concentrate on the unifying force that is the Egyptian people of all walks of life, believing in many diverse faiths.

I'm sure we can all tolerate that... Otherwise what is the point of protesting?

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