Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Similarities between Zionism and the South African Apartheid

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is arguably the most debated political discussion in the world.

During the South African Apartheid, the conflict was just as internationally covered.

Ironically the National Party of South Africa gained power in the same year the Zionist nationalist movement had created their own state in 1948.

Both imposed laws based on an ethnic identity, which in turn received condemnation from the international community, especially since the establishment of these ruling parties came only three years after another ethnically motivated nationalist movement was dismantled in Europe.

Reactions against these movements were displayed with similar UN resolutions against both groups.
  • UN GA Resolution 1761 was passed in 1962 in response to the racist policies of apartheid established by the South African Government. The resolution deemed apartheid and the policies enforcing it to be a violation of South Africa's obligations under the UN Charter and a threat to international peace and security.
  • UN GA Resolution 3379 in 1975 "determined that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination". This was due to the concept of a state based on a specific ethnicity rather than the demographics of the region. 
The international community also undertook similar boycott movements against both regimes. 
  • Trade embargoes against South Africa were gaining traction, as well as the famous UN arms embargo which became mandatory with the passing of Resolution 418. Boycotting of sports games by international teams had a profound effect on the white population, perhaps more so than the trade embargoes did.
  • The BDS movement against the Zionist regime has been in full force world wide, as well as a mirroring on the sporting stage where the Israeli football team was boycotted by most of the Asian Football Confederation in the 1970s and so Israel had no choice but to join the European Federation (UEFA).

There is also a frightening similarity in the respective propaganda and the "state of emergency" laws that were implemented in both regions.

  • Serious political violence in South Africa was a prominent feature from 1985 to 1989, as black townships became the focus of the struggle between anti-apartheid organisations and the government. Numerous township councils were overthrown or collapsed, to be replaced by unofficial popular organisations, often led by militant youth. The government also raised concerns about South Africa's isolation amongst surrounding "hostile Black-ruling" nations that unified under the same cause.
  • Zionism has faced numerous intifadas and resistance against its settlement activities and occupation, particularly in Gaza, which happened to be replaced by an unofficial popular militant organisation. Israel also raised concerns about its international isolation especially amongst its neighboring "hostile Arab nations".

These techniques have been seen before by the Nazi regime who tried to play the victim card in order to gain support internationally for their cause.

Since both the South African Apartheid and Nazism have been dismantled, the Zionist regime seems to be following in their path. The era of ruling parties fuelled by ethnic radicalism is quickly becoming an outdated concept.

History has proven that the minority ruling the majority as is the case in the Israeli Apartheid, creates an unstable climate and does not tend to last long before it becomes yet another lesson for future generations to learn from.

All the Arabs need is another Nelson Mandela.


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